Related project

Related consultation of special project

School: Shang Yi county No. 3 middle school
Schoolmaster: Cui Zhanliang
Address: Shang Yi county Zhangjiakou city
Directed teacher: Teacher Fu Zhigang, Lei Yu, Hou Aiguo, Cheng Jihong
Students who jointed this project: 2 people
Student’s age: 15 years old
Name: Chen Yannan, Bao Yana

School web-site:

Email for the


General comments for project

Match variety: Local trait food

Description for the area:

  Shang Yi county is located at south edge of inner mogolia, it’s north west part of He Bei province, 44o441-41o321 for north latitude, 113o491—114o26 for east longitude. East to the village of San Ga da Jing, Bao Yin Zhuo, Kua Zi Liang and Shang Qing Yang Gou as for the admit, connected with Zhang Bei county; West part till Wu Tai river, Da Qing mountain and A Gui mountain, connected with Shang Du county and Xing He county of inner mogolia; South part followed great wall, connected with Huai An county and Wan Quan county; North part connected with Ge Cha Han Zhuo and Shang Du county. East to west is 55.2 km, South to north is 88.8km. 116km from county to Zhang Jia Kou city, 288km to Beijing, 652km to Shi Jia Zhuang; 30km to Xing He county of inner mogolia, 373km to Hu He Hao Te, 400km to Er Lian Hao Te, 446 km to Bao Tou. It’s a connector to contact Shan Xi, He Bei, and Inner Mogolia to inner part of China.

  Shang Yi’s weather is very special, with huge potential. Its east Asia mainland monsoon wind weather, clearly seasons, enough sunshine, difference in temperature, rain and warm in same season, average rainfall is about 350-420mm, mainly in Jul. to Oct., no frost period is about 160-180 days a year.

  Low temperature with difference too much. Average temperature is 3.5℃(From 0.6 to 6.2℃), especially in Jul., Aug., Sept., which the average temperature is very high in whole china, but here is very cool with fresh air, average temperature is just about 19.1℃, 17.6℃, it’s a nice place to prevent sunstroke. As a lot difference of temperature in day time and night time, almost got 11-14℃ in plant’s growth period, it’s good to accumulate the alimentation, at same time as acute process when increase temperature in spring but discrease in fall, that increase the utilize rate to save temperature, so that good for high quality products.

  Shang Yi county originally was a minority’s nomadism area, so that agriculture developed very late. 1st year of Yong Zheng in Qing dynasty, started to assart on highlands; In Xian Feng, started to make it in law; When end of Qing dynasty, started to hire people to assart on badlands, so incomers more and more to built the village, and gradually developed the construction of this area from nomadism to agriculture area. Shang Yi is a representative agriculture county, it’s special cold weather makes good conditions for oat‘s grow.

Our internet environment:

  1 pc of server, 30 pcs of comuter, ADSL, 1m for connecting speed, Windows system, all students come from village, they don’t have computer at home, main job were done in school’s computer classroom after school, directed teacher finish in holidays and weekends.



Our experience :

  This is the 1st time we join world web-page exhibition, and 1st time for us to join such big match, we are very exiting. When we start to do, even through we had settled the subject, but we didn’t have any experience of match, we didn’t know how to do it. After team meeting and tanning from teacher Fu, we started to divide the work and collect information, let students collect some pictures of oat noodles and information after school and make clear, they did quite carefully. After more than 1 month, our information are almost done, then we start to design the frame of the web-page, We start to upload our frame comments from beginning of Oct., teacher He said our frame is good but missing a step, after her advise we add one more step, then our purpose is more clearly. After we divide the work again to collect more information, students are very interested in this topic, and use another 1 month to collect many information, we also organize team members to do interview of local farmer, we knew more and more after he told us many stories about oat’s noodles. Later when we start to build the web-page, we got a lot help from teachers, that make it going easily. Generally speaking, we felt a lot thru the processing of making web-page to join this exhibition.


    We had learned a lot to join this meaningful match, after a few month work hard, all information had collected, even the web-page looks too simple, but we did solid, and we feel so happy to see the result, see back to the process, we learned a lot out of the book, take knowledge of oat’s noodles and knowing comity is the power. During the build web-page process, in order to promote oat’s noodles culture, our team went many places and got a lot support from companies and people, here all members of the team would like to thank to all companies and people who helped us!
点击看大图 点击看大图
This action can be succeeded because get a lot support from schoolmaster-Cui
County’s agriculture bureau technicians explaining the growth environments of oat
点击看大图 点击看大图
Cook is playing make noodles
To oat’s noodle’s restaurant to learn make and eat of oat’s noodles
点击看大图 点击看大图
Cook is explaining a special noodle’s making way
Local farmer is telling us the history of oat’s noodles
Basic of the projec


  Oat’s noodles as for north west people for long time ago, and brings a lot culture in this period, but normally people just thought it is kind of food, never let it become a food culture, to let the oat’s noodles get on the table in better way, we worked over on it just want to let more people around to promote oat’s noodles culture, develop our food culture, and let oat’s noodles go out to whole world.

Hard ware:

  Computer, digital camera, recorder, scan, U disk, USB connector, note book. Soft ware: Dreamweaver web-page editor, Photoshop system, Microsoft Word system, Microsoft Excel & Internet Explorer web-page searching, ACDSee system, cut, Ftp transfer information. Internet connection: MSN, email, FTP server, ADSL.

Conclusion of the project:

  Students knowing more and more north west food culture during work over on this project, after research, we knew the development process and currant situation of oat’s noodles, students did some promotion inside and outside of the school, to bring along more students join this project, and make students start to love oat’s noodles, home town, thru this action, we not just promote the oat’s noodles, but also promote the oat’s noodle’s culture and let it go out to the world, and to guid more people come to boom local economy, to contribute for home town’s construction. 

Influence of the match:

  We were pleased by people when we did interview and collect information, in local farmer’s site, oat’s noodles is just a habit from long time ago, when they knew we would like to promote this “habit” to a kind of “culture”, they were very affirmative, after we did some promotion and interview, people started to get new recognization of oat’s noodles, and let oat’s noodles get into the restaurant more and more.

Discover, experience and harvest:

  To join this match made us so happy, and learn a lot, we felt a lot pressure since 1st time to join this kind of match. In the beginning, we didn’t have so much confidence on finishing this project, although we ate oat’s noodles every day, but we feel more and more strange, we never established we-page before, we didn’t know how to start. We also lose or0 happy during whole project. 1st time interview we were still shy, and also some people didn’t understand us, as we don’t have experience of the match, the subject we chose in the beginning was too big. Thru this match, we could use computer much better and knowing how to make our web-page and dispose the picture simply, we learned how to use digital camera, and more things which we never learned inside the book, we knew a lot of knowledge about oat’s noodles, the most important is we felt power of comity, and knowing deeply no pay no gain.

contribution comments




Contribution rate

Students (2 people)

Chen Yannan
Bao Yana

1. Collect information of oat’s noodles.
2. Read information of oat and oat’s noodles.
3. Confirm interviewer and make related plan.
4. Interview related people and records comments and take pictures.
5. Compose words information.
6. Fill schedule report.
7. Establish web-page.

Teacher (4 people)

Fu Zhigang
Lei Yu
Hou Aiguo
Cheng Jihong

1. Held match meeting, and settled the project’s name and plan.
2. Learning training teaching materials.
3. Settle web-page frame and provide direction of work over.
4、Contact and arrange interviewer and arrangements.



Cui Zhanliang (schoolmaster)
Old guy Zhang (farmer)
Gong Yuehai (Promotion dept.)
Li Chunxia (agriculture bureau)
Hao Jianli (library stuff)
Wang Shufang (Housewife)
Meiling (Cook)
Zi Jun (Owner of oat’s noodle’s restaurant)

1. Provide the working place and outlay.
2. Provide information and support.

Guide of web-site
Oat’s wo wo Oat’s tuntun Oat’s yuyu Others Our team Reference book Subject briefing
making way making way making way Bakeddumpling Team spirit   Related project
Eating way Eating way Eating way Yam fish Team members   General comments of project
      dumpling   Basic of the project
      Mo caca     Contribution comments
      Kui lei   Guide of web-site