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    Sand Mustard IndexThe Value of the Sand Mustard  


       The sand mustard is a kind of biennial plant in Cruciferae family, is a versatile sandy vegetable, which is also used for herbs, feed and binding-sand. It is grown in the sand land on Mongolian Plateau.



 The medicinal value of the sand mustard


Sand mustard contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is good for food digestion, pain relief, detoxification and clearing away the lung-heat. The leaves can be used as dealcoholic medicine to help drunken people awake and the roots can help clear away the lung-heat and cure tracheitis patients.

to treat flatulence and indigestion: Take 100g fresh sand mustards (or 50g dry sand mustards) that are boiled in water, twice a day. (Medicinal plants in desert areas in China)
to treat indigestion and food poisoning: Take the same mount of fine grindings of sand mustards, pepperweed seeds, Chinese tamarisks, medicine terminalia fruits, and broadleaf vetch herbs after being boiled in water, two or three times a day. Take 5g or 5.5g fine grindings every time. (Chinese herbal medicine in Inner Mongolia)


The edible value of the sand mustard

Sand mustard with high nutritional and medicinal value contains rich protein, cellulose and many vitamins like vitamin C.

It is a popular vegetable for people living at Shajia town and desert area which can be cooked raw or fried, dried or bloated before the flowers blooming.  

The fresh sand mustard is easy to eat after bloating in water for a short time. It tastes good and refreshing by being fried and braised. It is a good idea to cook it raw or make it a soup.                  

    RecipeSand mustard leaves salad

一、Materials: 1. Ingredients: 500 grams of sand mustard leaves. 2. Spices: salt, monosodium glutamate, vinegar, sesame oil.

二、methodsMake the sand mustard leaves tidy and then boil them in hot water for a while. Remove the water before cutting them into sections. Put the sections in plate and mix them with salt, monosodium glutamate, vinegar and sesame oil.

The sand mustard are good for food digestion, pain relief, detoxification and clearing away the lung-heat


The Fodder Value of the Sand Mustard

The sand mustards are good fodder for cows, sheep, camels and pigs. The green mustard contains more than 80 percent of water, with high content of crude protein, non-fiber carbohydrates and ash content, small content of crude fiber. According to the files, we used empirical formula to study Ningxia grassland and we found that there are digestible dry matters like crude protein for 65.84g, digestible energy for 92MJ, metabolizable energy for 791MJ in every kilogram of sand mustard. So the sand mustard belongs to forage plants of medium quality.


Sand Mustard Binding Sand

     My hometown, Taole town Pingluo County in Ningxia, is a harsh region with serious land desertification. Based on the actual situation, Taole Spring Trade Corporation take advantage of the sandy wild plants in order to alter the environment and develop the economy. With some investigation and research experience, they found that sandy plants like sand mustard have a long history in western sand region. Sand mustard is a kind of biennial plant with high yield that can bind sand. It also has other names like sand radish, sand cabbage. It is easy to plant sand mustard and it mostly grows on sandy region and sand dunes.


 Support: Qian Xiang Wan Cai  Technology (China) Co., Ltd.    

            Copyright © 2009 Sand Mustard Project Focus Group NO.4 Middle School Pingluo Ningxia