Our activity
Invisible love
Power of love
Have a loving life
Word about education
Wall love news



Love is purest and warmest in the world. It is also selfless and eternal. Every one can get love and grow in love. Love can make others warm and touched.
The famous Indian poet and writer, Tiger once said that we will become rich by getting our of poverty, but we will lose our kind heart.

It can be seen how great the love is.
In order to seek this power, we start our research to seek the love of buddhas and call on students to make the world full of love.

We ask Buddha Rongyi what love is.

Presentation of Hada
by Buddha Rongyi to us

Interpretation by Miss Xing

He says we should learn to have a kind heart and give our love to others, which is the best protection of ourselves.
He also says that he liked learning as we do in his childhood. His teacher has great influence on him. He educated buddha how to behave and how to help others. Buddha Rongyi supports our activity and asks us to work hard and give our love to others when we grow up.

We feel the love from him.

Many experiences tell us all our feelings come from our heart such as the coolness in summer and the joy after success.

Every one of us has a kind heart towards our community and the world. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A kind heart every day keeps the enemy away.

The students should learn to show their concern towards others. If every one can give their love to other people, the world will become more beautiful.

We should call on people by launching various activities.

More and more students come into our activities: some show their concern towards teachers, some to classmates and some to school.

We are convinced that if there are more love in the world, it will become more beautiful.
That is the power of love!

Exchange between
Buddha Rongyi and us