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   Gods statues
Nanhai avalokitesvara
Holy mother
Eighteen disciples of buddah
San qing zun god
Ancient architectures
       There are different avalokitesvaras such as Qian shou qian yan avalokitesvara , song zi avalokitesvara and Nanhai avalokitesvara . There goes for a legend of Qian shou qian yan avalokitesvara . A king has three daughers but the third one called princess Miaoshan became a nun as she would not like to marry . The king was so raged that drove her out of palace but he was ill later and could only be cured by the hands and eyes of his daughter told by a priest . However , two other daughters at home were not willing to do it and only the third daughter who had been a qualified nun offered her hands and eyes to his father . Out of appreciation , the king said that she would be Quan shou quan yan but the eunuch nearby heard it incorrectly as qian shou qian yan . Later , Miaoshan’s image was built into the qian shou qian yan avalokitesvara statue , also for showing the morality of affection giving of women .
Ci hang pu du which were transpormed from the buddist classic nan hai ci hang are written on the memonial arch before the original building of Nanhai Temple . Based on nan hai ci hang , Xujin in Huizhou (today Anhui) wanted a child and he was told by a god in his dream that it was good that he had read scriptures often , however , his son could only be gotten after he had read gao wang guan yin jing . Xujin did as he had told and truly got a son .Later , he dreamed that god again and was told that if he could promote gao wang guan yin jing by publishing and distributing it , his son would be noble . Xujin got the result after he had done it . From this story , we know that reward will come after one does kind things . This is the theory of karma . In addtion , we could often see that Nanhai avalokitesvara show up to help Monkey – king beat monsters on TV serials , Journey to West .

Staff zone | Hexi middle school | By 2010, all rights reserved