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Lei Quhua



 Designing web pages

Our Project Sound Bite

  At first, I didn’t have much confidence in participating Cyber Fair. My major was chemistry education, so I didn’t know much about web site constructing. With my colleagues’ encouragement, I overcame much difficulty and finished the web site in two months. By participating in this activity, I realize two things; the first is that one should be confident in doing any work. You have the ability to learn the things that you never met before. The second was that the team’s power is much greater than individuals.
  Though we have handed our work, we think that it is not so satisfactory and many places need to be possessed. We believe that our web site can be made more perfect through our effort.

HuaCong Middle School, BaZhong City, SiChuan Province, P.R. China
E-mail:bzhczx@126.com Tel:013547319396