》》Overcoming the hardness
Weijie, the 30 year-old teacher, rush out of the building when the earthquake is on. He pull the student for the safety but he himself was hurt. And then he arrange all the students and then rush into the school to take out the book, showing the love from a teacher. The following days he still in the school to be with the students. After 20 days, he insist on duty every night. 20 days, his father was arrange in the hospital, he cried. Cengxiaoqian, just work for 2 years. She arrange the students to secure. And then flag down one car to secure the students. It is said that this is the first student in the hospital.
Owing to the too heavy hurt, he dead in the arm of ceng. There is still a relatives under the building. It shows the teacher brilliant figures. Yili, the one marry in 5-24. he stick in the school and then he save all the things in the school. zouhanqing send the food to the school. luochengbin check the name of the teachers. wangxiuying stay in the school to take care about the students still in the school. he want to protect all the students, arrange everything. We will respect all the teachers.
》》 Related Photos
[Top of page] The time of the earthquake》》
⊙The time of the earthquake
⊙The wall is falling
⊙Personality shining
Actively save oneself》》
⊙Actively save oneself
⊙Taking the tent as the home
⊙Overcoming the hardness
Keeping after the earthquake》》
⊙Social support
⊙Rebuilding the homeland
⊙Now and future
True feeling》》
⊙Big affair recording
⊙Members feeling
Profile of the Work》》
⊙Relevant Information
⊙General Plan
⊙Key Points in the Plan
⊙Allocation of the work
About us》》
School: Puyang Town Middle School, Dujiangyan City, Sichuan
Our Team
Guide Teacher: Gao Yong Team Members: Xiaoyusi Wang Lu Dong Ting Shilijia
We are together
Facing this disaster, puyang middle school use the high quality to resist the disaster and save the figure of the teacher.
◎2008-2009 We are together is a website made by Pulan Team of Puyang Middle School for 2009 Cyber Fair