Western Xia Dynasty commercial and trade

In some relics the records of the business in West Xia can be found. A picture shows that a butcher is selling meat and a man is selling poultry.

Since West Xia could not produce a lot of things they needed, trade played an key role in economy of West Xia. West Xia exchanged their camels, horses, sheep, cattle, honey and local stuff for Song Dynasty' silk, cloth, porcelain, ginger, etc. After Yuan Hao became emperor, the trade with Song had further development. The trade with Liao is in smaller scale than that in Song. West Xia mainly exchanged cattle for gold, bronze and iron. After Liao was replaced by Jin, Jin became the main trading partner.

After West Xia kingdom was founded, in order to meet the needs of business and trade; issued its own currency. But because of lacking of copper, and Song, Liaoning prohibiting the export of gold, West Xia had to limit the number issued. Among the currently discovered and unearthed coins, the Jingzongyuanhao coins written in Chinese language were the oldest ones. West Xia Dynasty money was limited in quantity and distribution, but its neat contours, beautiful and clear writing can complete with those of the Song currency.

Reference websites : http://www.e-westchina.net