Western Xia Dynasty feudal regime established rule

During the period of Li Yuanhao, the aristocracy of Dangxiang clan had been completed changing from clan chiefs to the feudal landlord. It urgently required the political, economic, cultural unity, to establish their own regime to protect their interests. Liyuanhao took a series of measures preparing for the establishment of kingdom.

Emperor Li Yuanhao in 1033 introduced the Chinese administration structure of the Song Dynasty, including the highest institutions of state secretariat, bureau of military affairs, three military, judicial and fiscal offices or agencies, the censorate and the subordinated directorates and offices for the administration of the state finances, state rites, and the imperial court. Most offices were open for both Chinese and Non-Chinese, but some were restricted to Tanguts.

Li Yuanhao was quite conservative and tried to go back to the roots of the Tangut people. He rearranged the military organisation, had created an own Tangut script based on the shape of Chinese characters, he promulgated laws that called for traditional costumes and hairstlyes (short hair or bold heads instead of the long, knotted Chinese hairstyle), he changed his surname in the Tangut name "Weiming" and renamed the capital in Xingqing. After some victorious combats against the Song, Tubo and Oghuz he proclaimed himself emperor of Xia; or "White Superior Country", Tangut-Chinese: Bangniding in 1038.

Reference websites : http://www.e-westchina.net