Embroidery Introduction
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Embroidery Introduction

  Types of Embroidery
  The autonomous county of the Tu nationality Huzhu in Qinghai province, proudly nicknamed the “homeland of rainbow”, there still preserved the ancient and traditional folk embroidery arts so far. The Tu embroidery has a variety of patterns, which can be classified into four types:
  A: Practical usage,the main parts of embroidery: pillow top, ponytail roll, bellyband, tailor’s cushion etc;
  B: Gift presenting, mainly socks, belt, purse, pocket, it is the choice gift for the female presenting to relatives or lovers;
  C: Etiquette occasion, mainly in immortal net and elegiac couplet;
  D: Religion, mainly in decoration of joss and temple.

Common Stitches

  The commonly used stitches are short stitches, cross stitches and long stitches, different stitches will be embroidered into particular embroideries such as coiled embroidery, pulling embroidery and hanging embroidery. The coiled embroidery is to rub pieces of threads into strings which then be embroidered into patterns, is of stereoscopic effect, mainly used in big belt and wallet. While pulling embroidery is to embroider the threads into knitting effect, used to colored ribbon, embroidered shoes, spleuchan or the others. And the hanging embroidery is to embroider the colored threads into colored ribbon for decorating the suspenders; while pilling embroidery is to stuff the cotton fiber into the main patterned cloth, forming an uneven relief effect.

  We learned from Grandma Li that the coiled embroidery is most famous among the Tu's embroideries. The coiled embroidery is finished with silk threads, using choice materials colored red, yellow, green, blue, cassia red, purple and white, the matching of colors are accorded with the size and content of the embroidery, generally, seven colors can be used together and matched harmoniously and eye-touching.