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Religion and Arts

  In Qinghai Lake area, there are mainly two kinds of religions: Buddhism and Islam. In the past, the Mongolian believed in shamanism, whose tradition and customs are kept even nowadays. For example, in a dinner, the host firstly pours some wine to a cup, then digs into the wine with the third finger for three times, next dabs off the wine up, down and to the middle, which means respect to paradise, earth and human beings.

  Most Islamic followers live in Gangcha County and Haiyan County and Gonghe County, where mosques are a lot. The most famous one is Qiabuqia Mosque.

  In the folk, there are many legends and stories about history, like the formation of Qinghai Lake, Riyue Mount and Daotang River, the story of Tang Princess Wen Cheng and etc.