graduation exercises


The dress of Tu is very special in style. Young men wear white robe with embroidered collar and black cuff, and a black or purple waistcoat outside. Around the waist is an embroidered cloth strap with a pouch hung on the right side. Trousers are in black and blue. And they wear red or white hat. Young women like wearing robe with embroidered collar and black, blue or purple waistcoat outside. Around the waist is an embroidered wide strap and colored silk strip, hung with handkerchief, pouch and small bell. The young women also like weaing silver eardrops, bracelet and rings. The hairstyle is the symbol of status of marriage. The women dressing on the robe look very beautiful and are like flying butterfly as they are walking.

Copyright @ Qinglin Township Tu Center School,Datong County, Qinghai,China