Home>>Scenic apots>>Congxie Pagoda

e team members climbed Baita mountain standind at the back of the scenic zone with pure heart and cool mind in touring mountains and rivers . After going up on a steep and tortuous mountaineous route , we arrived at a platform on which stands historical Congxia Pagoda .

It is said that this was a attic type white pogoda?with the shape of hexagonal rhombohedral built in 1626 in Ming Dynasty , with a height of 25 meters and nine floors .The first floors stand central pillars with small rooms in them . Niches cages with holy characters statues in them inlaid in the stone walls . People can go up along the annular oupward stone steps connecting body and pillar . The front face of the pagoda are carved with Congxia bao ta , Wen lan yu ying , duan cu wu yun and jin se yi lu . Tourists can overlook the view from windows on every floor . The higher they climb , the better scenary they can see .

Congxie Pagoda
Surname Trace Park
Huamu Pavillion
Zhuixian Pavillion
Taoist Cultural Park
Yangtian Building
Nantian Gate
Baxian Cave
Cangxi Vocational High school, Sichuang Province ,9+3 computer group
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Contact person :Mao Jun       Email:cxmhk@sina.com