Home>>Scenic apots>>Yangtian Building

We arrived at Yangtian Builing after our forward marching . As a symbolic building , Yangtian building is a five floor building in the shape of anise eaces , crowned as First building in Jialing with a thousang miles . Stetues of eight gods on the platform on the ground of the building adds charm to this building . The couplet at the center of the gate min wei tian jv guan dang jing yang , di nai mu zuo ren xu xiao cheng shows the rule and cronerstone to be officials .

We could enjoy the beautiful scenary by leaning against the raillings on different floors after entering it from all sides . Climbing to the top and overviewing the whole mountains and rivers , we will feel the lofty sentiment of climb high to dwarf all surrounded hills . Seen from the east , we can see cottage flavour new rural houses on the vast and fertile land inlying in the continuous mountains with rolling wheats in the field and flyinf grain flowers in the sky and fragrance from fruits and melons . Seen from the south , the Congxia Pagoda with an old charm on the Baita mountain looks like a giant pen with tip facing up , reflecting the grand chapter of 80000 people in Li village who are marching toward a moderately prosperous life thanks to the reform and openning up . Seen from the west , mountain and rivers sink into the mist of sky and Jialing river flowed to the east grandly with boats decorating the river from time to time . At the western bank of the river , we could see two indistinve temples under the shadow of poplars , one is Yancong Temple which was tourd by Luyou and left his deep emotions zi xiao yuan you xin wei yi , nian nian pin meng dao cang xi . and the other is Linjiang Temple which was toured by the poet sage Dufu and left a beautiful poetry song ke cang xi xian , san han yu bu kai , zhi zhi qi ma hua , gu zuo fang chuan hui .


Congxie Pagoda
Surname Trace Park
Huamu Pavillion
Zhuixian Pavillion
Taoist Cultural Park
Yangtian Building
Nantian Gate
Baxian Cave
Cangxi Vocational High school, Sichuang Province ,9+3 computer group
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Contact person :Mao Jun       Email:cxmhk@sina.com