Home>>Scenic apots>>Surname Trace Park

We roamed along the long and flat mountain ridge with flowers blossoming and grass covering the roads , especially in golden autumn when wild chrysmanthus blossming on the two sides with fragarance filled with the air . We enjoied us so much and forgot to leave . Soon we arrived at the Surname Trace Park .

  The gate of Surname Trace Park is of the construction style in Han and Tang Dynasties with three layers and two doors , and dark grey tiles as the roof and carved with Surname Trace Park , which make this park an original , mysterious , historical and heavy feelings .

On the sacrifice stage , we saw the main sculpture with the connotation of Chinese nation and origin of srunames , about 6 meters in height . The figure of half human in the upper part and half snake in the lower part Fu?Hsi and Nvwa ( a goodess in chinese mythdology) hug together with one hand twisted with each other and the other held high . The combination between Fu?Hsi and Nvwa made the born of chinese nation and 5000 years bright civilization possible . Therefore , they are worthy of our worship.

Congxie Pagoda
Surname Trace Park
Huamu Pavillion
Zhuixian Pavillion
Taoist Cultural Park
Yangtian Building
Nantian Gate
Baxian Cave
Cangxi Vocational High school, Sichuang Province ,9+3 computer group
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Contact person :Mao Jun       Email:cxmhk@sina.com