


Date: Oct 3
Place: Qi’s family
Interviewee: Qi and his family members
Qi is the head of Dananchong Village. He did a lot of preparation work for YSRICC.

Q: nice to meet you. We feel quite sorry to bother you.
A: never mind. I hear that you are participating in Cyber Fair and your website is about Sayling Wen. I hope I can help you.

Q: Are you the demonstrater of Town and Talent Project?
A: yes, I witness the development of Town and Talent Project, and participate in Sayling’s western development. But what I have done is quite little.

Q: Are there any changes during the implementation of Town and Talent Project?
A: dramastic changes. The arrival of the internet succeeds in bridging all gaps between YSR and the outside world. For the first time in memory, villagers in YSR harbor hopes and dreams. Their fates are soon to change. In the four years since TTT has worked with this remote town, they have installed IT school computer classrooms. This lauched the first opportunity for villagers to create their own websites, the first time that villager computer training courses were held, and the first instances of e-business. The internet opens a windown to the rest of the world, allowing YSR to both learn about and enter into the outside world. Events such as official government inspections, news coverage, and visits from honored overseas guests have rendered YSR a place know in the hearts and minds of all. There has also been a slow and steady change in the attitudes and ideas of the villagers in YSR.

TTT has constructed the international convention center at YSR. This has heralded the arrival of further joy and surprises in the lives of locals. From the very first day of construction, villagers began taking their first steps into the world of the service industry. They set up small vendors catering to construction workers’ needs, as well as erected an informal entertainment room with video and pool-playing facilities. The service economy in YSR is now developing alongside the local economy.

Q: if you are rich, would you be the second Sayling?
A: yes, I will help those who need helps.