

The precipitous topography

Binggou Tourist Zone is located in the northwest of Huangtu Plateau, south to ancient Great Wall, west to Yellow

River and north to Maowusu Dessert. It lies in the south of Taole County, north to the city of Taole, 43 km far away. It

covers the area of 26 km2, situates at the scalariform area where the Ortos Terrace joins the Yinchuan Plain. The

topography of Binggou is quite complicated. In the past, it used to be the center of civilization in history; however,

today’s situation is completely different. The main reason is desertification, which is caused by two factors. The

first factor is deterioration of natural environment. As the climate in northern China is very dry, the soil is loose and

the forest is scattered sparsely. The second factor is due to human beings. Since Qin Dynasty, Binggou was the

important military defense and changed between farm land and pasture. The several times of change seriously

destroy local natural environment. As a result, the base of civilization disappeared.



Copyright@ Summer Team, Taole No.1 Middle School, Ningxia,PRC