

The design of questionnaire

The design of questionnaire mainly consists of two parts: firstly, how much do people know the history of Binggou? Secondly, whether people have put emphasis on desertification.

The questionnaire of Binggou

1 Do you know the Binggou Site in Taole County?

A: Yes. B: No.

2 When was Hunhuaihang built?

A: 214BC B: 215 BC

3 When was Binggou tombs of Han Dynasty discovered?

A: 1987 B: 2002

4 Who was the founder of Hunhuaizhang?

A:Mengtian B: Weiqing

5 Who fighted with Huns for two times?

A: Mengtian B: Weiqing

6 After Qinshihuang founded a unified centralized state, Qin, the state was divided into thirty-six
prefectures, in which Ningxia belong to ( ).

A: Beidi Prefecture B: Minzhong Prefecture

7 In Han Dynasty, who was commaned to fight with Huns by the emperor Liuche?

A: Mengtian B: Weiqing

8 In the beginning of Tang Dynasty, the development of Hunhuaizhang was ( ).

A: going forward B: going backward

9 Whether the desertification has influenced people’s life?

A: Yes. B: No.

10 The main factor which leads to the extinction of species is ( ).

A: human factor B: natural factor


Copyright@ Summer Team, Taole No.1 Middle School, Ningxia,PRC