Some Persons of Binggou


Some persons of Binggou

【Legend of Wang Zhao-Jun】

Wang Zhao-Jun is perhaps one of the most well-known beauties of ancient China. She was a native of Zigui in Western Hubei province. She entered the imperial harem during the reign of Emperor Yuan of Western Han (48-33 BC). As the emperor had a large harem of maidens, he chose his companions by looking at their portraits. The court painter, Mao Yan shou had painted an unflattering portrait of Wang Zhao-Jun because she refused to bribe him. As a result, she failed to receive the emperor's favour. When the northern barbarous nation, Xiongnu chieftain, Huhanxie became a subject of the Han empire, he asked the Emperor to grant him a Han beauty as his empress. To consolidate the relations with the Xiongnu, Emperor Yuan acceded to the request. However, he was not prepared to part with any of his beautiful maidens. He chose Wang Zhao-Jun as the bride for Huhanxie as she appeared ordinary and plain from the portrait.

It was only when she was summoned before the emperor prior to her departure that Emperor Yuan realized his terrible mistake. To his amazement and dismay,

she turned out to be the most beautiful of the maidens in his harem. However,
Wang Zhao-jun
it was too late for the Emperor to change his decision. In anguish and sorrow, he parted with Wang Zhao-Jun. Mao Yanshou was subsequently put to death for deceiving the Emperor.

he fate of Wang Zhao-Jun had however been sealed. With sadness, she clutching her Pipa (a musical instrument) to her bosom, departed from Changan and traveled beyond the Great Wall to the land of the Xiongnu. She never returned and died in a distant barbarous land. Her tomb at Hohhot in Inner Mongolia was one of the eight special scenery spots in present Inner Mongolia.


Qinshihuang (256B.C.-210B.C.), monarch of the State of Qin of the Warring States Period, ascended the throne at the age of thirteen, and took over the reins of government at twenty-one. During his reign, he succeeded in putting down internal rebellions, and, externally, waged wars for unification on the other six states. It took him only ten years to wipe them out, thus putting an end to the state of chaos caused by rival principalities. This was followed by the founding of a unified centralized state, Qin. The state was divided into thirty-six prefectures with counties under their jurisdiction. Centralized leadership was strengthened, and laws, the system of weights and measures, the monetary system and the writing system were standardized. Besides, he promoted land communication, and hence the development of economy and culture. In order to resist external invasion, he had a great wall built. Qinshihuang thus became the founder of the first unified feudal dynsty in Chinese history. To reinforce his rule, Qinshihuang practiced autocracy, imposing harsh laws and severe punishments and heavy levies and corves upon his people. Moreover, he levied war year after year and thus caused untold sufferings to the people. Qinshihuang, though on the throne
for a short time, had a tremendous in fluence on the Chinese nation. He
Qing Shi-huang
laid the foundation stone for a unified Chinese nation, and is called by posterity "An Emperor of Myriads of Ages".


Mengtian was an excellent general in Qin Dynasty. After Qinshihuang emperor built up the Qin Dynasty, the first unified, multi-national, autocratic and power-centralized state in Chinese history, he made Xianyang, a city near Xi'an in Shaanxi Province, as his capital city. After Qin Shi Huang unified China (221 BC), his capital city Xianyang experienced extreme stress from Xiongnu. Qin Shi Huang saw the emergency and importance of strengthening military defense at the northern frontier.

To protect the northern frontier, Mengtian was authorized to migrate thousands of people to southern border areas to pioneer the virgin land. As the northern tribe, the Xiongnu kept plundering the northern frontiers, Mengtian was again commended to beat back the Xiongnu tribe in northern areas and supervised the construction of the Great Wall.By the emperor’s order, General Mengtian led tremendous forced labour to work on the Great Wall project. In nine years time, they connected all the existing bits and pieces, restored and extended them. Hence the shape

of the Great Wall was formed. This was the initial phase in the history
Meng Tian
of the Great Wall of China. It was roughly 5,000 km long and ran from west to east, separating China from Mongolia. Ever in the history of the Great Wall of China, renovation work has been ongoing. In the next 2,000 years, over 20 emperors of various dynasties had been restoring, rebuilding and extending the Great Wall.

n 210 BC, emperor Qinshihuang died in touring, however, two other generals-Zhaogao and Lisi faked imperial edicts and commaned Mengtian to suicide in Yangzhou.

【Emperor Hanwudi】

He was an emperor of far-reaching influence in Chinese history, who is known as Hanwudi.An outstanding statesman in Chinese history, Hanwudi (156B.C.-87B.C.) was one of the emperors of the Western Han Dynasty. In order to consolidate his rule, he proscribed all non-Confucian schools of thought and espoused Confucianism as the state ideology, thus pushing Confucius up into the orthodox position. If we say that Qinshihuang was the first emperor who unified China in terms of territory, then the first emperor who unified China in terms of ideology was none other than Hanwudi. For two thousand years thereafter, Confucianism had been the only one dominant school of thought under Heaven. From this one can well imagine just how great an influence Hanwudi had exerted in Chinese history. While unifying the state ideology, Hanwudi strengthened the centralize state power and weakened local forces. He dispatched troops to attack aristocrats of the Huns, and twice sent Zhang Qian, Reception Chief of the Han court, as an envoy to the Western Regions to open the Silk Road and promote economic and cultural exchanges with the west.
Han Wu-di


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