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(1)What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your Doors to Diplomacy project?
      Hardware: computer, camera, digital camera, scanner
      Software: Photoshop 9.0, Microsoft Word, Macromedia Dreamweaver

(2)In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your Doors to Diplomacy project both on-line and in person?
      In the process of our research, we visited many villagers around Yijjia village, the inheritor of Culture Feilong. We also shared our experience with all the students in school. Most importantly, we want to let more people know about Feiling history, understanding the hometown’s special cultures or customs, to motivate them to love hometown.

(3)What has been the impact of your project on your community?
      Without our study, our students including a lot of people in our hometown know little about the Yinjia Feilong, also almost unknown hometown historical and cultural connotation. Through our research, we share our research results with students and fellow-townsmen, let them know the hometown special cultures or customs, more understand the essence of Culture Feilong, that is the charm of home.

(4)How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
      Our materials are mainly obtained through interviews, and of course, a little part is gotten through our own personal experience. The folk artist Du Xianzhong and the fourth generation descendant Yan Xiaobing provides a lot of information to us, especially the composition and origin of the dragon, at the same time, they also actively told us a lot about the art of dragon in our interview. Some local people are also involved in our interview, and the school students communicate the results of our work with us. Of course, the instructor gave us a lot of guidance.

(5)Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises?
      In the course of the study, we find that it is not easy to make a deep study of a project. We have been growing in Yin, and in annual Spring Festival and major festivals, people can see the dragon dance performances, and they also know their show is different on the TV, but we do not understand why these dragons and the general shape of the dragon is not the same, if there are different stories behind, and we even do not understand the true meaning of it. Through our deep study, we really found a lot of things we did not know before, such as why the dragon body is not so big, why it is different of the distance between every two parts, why three people can operate five parts of the dragon.

       School: YinJia Primary school, BaZhong City, SiChuan Province, P.R. China       Tel:013778794208